4- Sunset Of The Worshipper

O God, Your sunset, its colors, where do You find?
I remember mine oath, no need for You to remind

I dressed nicely today, a blue scarf and a red dress
My face is too designed, that I might You, impress

Will I meet You, God, today or the day after? I wonder
Every day that passes, makes me grow of You fonder

I stand near an old tree and see its branch is broken
How did you break? So sad that my heart has shaken

I wrap my blue scarf around its branch to let it bind
How can one leave a beautiful and hurt tree behind?

May your fragile branches bind back to your roots
I barely reached up to help you even with my boots

I hear the talks of God on the horizon, do you?
The blood of the Martyrs has fed this land too

I am here O God! Do you see me near the tree?
I see You! I am a speck that only You can see

I run to His ocean and see a believer jumping away
Who in their right mind would, after knowing, stay?

The cold breeze is making me sick but I still leap
Without a scarf, my neck freezes and I sink deep

I drown like the Believer, feeling the Drifter, His eyes
Can He hear me underwater? Can He hear my cries?

The red of my dress melts into the sea, I blend
Is this wish to vanish, mine last prayer to send?

Take me away God! Your current pulls me under
Let me blend, if You my lightning, I your Thunder

I sink forever then become one with His ocean
Only He could understand my burning emotion

– July 11th, 2019