The Ocean Floor

I’m drowning on the beach, shallow water
The weather is cold so the ocean is hotter

I am dying, so this is it, my last breath
Who knew that so soon I’d meet death

As I sleep on the ocean’s floor, paralyzed
I can feel something on my lips, realized

I open my eyes to see Her, kissing my lips
The sand under me hurts my skin and rips

I feel blood coming from my resting arms
She is still, the ocean moves and it harms

Yet she looks me in the eyes, faith is here
In this Faith of God, what is there to fear?

She gives me life but my energy, she takes
She a goddess? Let’s see what she makes

She opens her eyes, they go into my soul
How can she see me, see me as a whole

My heart is in bits, broken and shattered
What use is mending it? It is all battered

The water is cooler, it’s going to freeze
I’m submerged yet I can feel the breeze

The sun is setting I can see that there
She pulls up her hand, moves her hair

I feel her passion, she really does care
But all I could do is stay here and stare

This love is true, valuable, hand made
Why am I being saved by a mermaid?

Time stops and we freeze, life is waiting
I love the ocean now, before I was hating

Even If I could move, I feel anchored down
A heavy object in my heart, I cannot frown

There’s no more sadness, why am I empty?
Could I take a breath then count to twenty?

I feel the tide rising up as the water pushes
I lose sight of the mermaid, how she rushes

She is still there, so calm and at peace
I can’t collect my thoughts in one piece

The ocean gets violent yet we stay still
Leave me be, haven’t you had your fill?

She stays with me but for how long?
I hear her humming to herself a song

I suddenly start to float upward again
But what did she do? What did I gain?

I start to go up but she is still under
I feel in my heart peace and thunder

She took that heavy burden from my heart
Now she has it, I can’t let a new cycle start

I take her hand, she is shocked by me
Did you think that I would leave you be?

As I rise up the surface that has risen up
I swim faster that I may never again stop

I look back to see how she is, what fears?
Her eyes are filled and dripping with tears

Tears in the water? How can she cry?
But most importantly I must ask why

I reach the surface and pull her hand
But when I do, all I’m holding is sand

Confused, I think now I finally understand
Men, from her beauty, have been banned

She was an angel, living in the spiritual sea
That only those that pray to God could see

– May 23rd, 2019