Why Lord?

The man:
I Raised up my hands, O I prayed forever!
Show me what I cannot understand ever!

Why have you taken all my lovers away?
And made me depressed, living astray?

All the love that I have you took from me
A desperate man do you want me to be?

Listen, my child! Who made you from love?
In winter who gave you the coat, the glove?

Who is always there when you need him?
And who gave you light when it was dim?

Tell me, have your “lovers” done any of these?
Did they give you honey or the sting of bees?

Did they watch over you from birth till death?
Oh tell me, can they count your every breath?

Open your eyes blind child, for I am your only
If you have all but not Me then you are lonely

You belong to Me, as an arrow to its Archer
Honey to a bee, a flag to a parade marcher!

Do not listen to what these people have said
Come and rest my child on my kindness bed


– April 7th, 2019