Pearly Eyes

She sits on a cloud on atop the seven skies
I cannot forget the light of her Pearly eyes

Come, lover’s sickness, I need your fever
I dream of her so much, Pearly’s dreamer

I now see what I couldn’t before, redeemer
Love floats in any stream, Pearly streamer

Myself, inside me, plans 19 days, schemer
With its voice it screams, Pearly screamer

I think of her lips often, often as a feather
Ignore my lusting tongue, Pearly’s blether

Not a single way to live without her sight
I don’t just want her frame, Pearly’s light

My heart is being played within her hands
Wanting me all to herself, Pearly demands

I miss her, my soul reincarnates as it dies
She misses too, in the nights, Pearly cries

Cheeks as red as tomatoes picked fresh
Her soft skin, butcher’s dream, Pearly flesh

A warm chest filled with love and passion
I take her warmth for myself, Pearly ration

Some nights my helpless princess, alone
Then other nights, my devil, Pearly stone

Perfection has been painted within her face
Is she human like me or from a Pearly race?

Such kind and soft delights in her expression
Who can truly be so sweet? Pearly impression

Come to me now, oh lingering fire from within
Just come to see how you are my Pearly sin

A smile that captivates me, making me hover
What wouldn’t I do for that smile, Pearly lover

Poetry is to express what is within, with style
My eyes can’t wait to see, again, Pearly’s smile

April 2019