Angel Of Dreams

I stand in a green field, I see nothing, it is night
This storm clouds me, what is wrong or right?

The rain drips on my arms and I feel it melting
My arms have holes in them, the rain is pelting

Maybe I am not its target and maybe I am, still
It burns and I disintegrate till nature has its fill

The darkness of the night is blinding my eyes
How can I demand the truth when I spew lies?

This feeling, what do you call it? It this despair?
I smell the stench of my rotting flesh in the air

My body will collapse, holed-up by acidic-rain
To cry from a death, I will not let myself deign

Thunder suddenly stops and the storm fades
Acid rain vanishes from the air with its blades

I move with whatever meat I have on my bones
Then an angel emerges as if the sky she owns

She descends from the sky and stands afront
Then she pushes my body and I suddenly grunt

The pain I had anticipated to come, never came
She pushed me normally, but it wasn’t the same.

No pain came from her pushing nor her hands
This peaceful force, only an angel understands

She notices my broken body and pain, she cries
Why do you cry for me? Do you truly empathize?

She sits down and puts her hands on my chest
I feel her taking my heart, I’m in hers, as a guest

Are you taking my sorrows and agonies away?
Oh… how I wish I had more time to live and stay

My body slowly turns to ash, I turn to black snow
I feel my heartbeat beating weaker, ever-so slow

A breeze arrives and sweeps my ashes to the sky
She fulfills my dream, I am free, my soul can fly

September 26th, 2019