Death is here

I see a hell of a life, no sound to scream
Not true but it all happened in my dream

All I can see is a window, light passes
In a library, school or one of its classes?

Strange feeling in that room, who died?
Then I notice a severed head at my side

Dead man? No, he is not human, he is clay
Broken to pieces for the owner didn’t play

To see the room I must stand to see best
I find in this small room, an ancient chest

I open it and find toys and games, so old
Why keep these? They could’ve been sold

A small world for puppets, they live in joy
Puppets have so much to do and to enjoy

Books on angels and God covered in dust
And a rust cleaner that is covered in rust?

Poems from a nobody in a booklet, fine
I could take this chest but it is not mine

I see rings, jewels, diamonds then a stick?
I gaze into the treasures and I find the trick

These have no value to the owner, not a bit
My body feels dizzy then weak and so I sit

A presence is near me, I start to look around
I see you, sitting in the back without a sound

He walks forward with a knife in his hand
A demon as a human wears a wristband

It says “the cup of blood”, I think I know
I was sailing before but now I shan’t row

Angel of death? Is this Self? Is it you?
Did you not join me? Are you lost too?

“Fool, a sun sets but you only see light
Turn around to see darkness and fight”

I try to move to him but he is gone away
An object falls off a shelf, an empty tray

I grab it and see a question carved in it
When I ask it, I realize my throat is slit

Blood pours down like a waterfall so fast
A few minutes for me yet an hour passed

My blood stops and it is solid as metal
Yet when I touch it, soft as a rose petal

Afterward, horrors come down a stream
Slippery knives stab me, a slippery cream

I feel the knife plunged inside my heart
Its end is covered in blood as it’s start

Every speck of the blades gets sharper
I’ve said a lot, here is the story’s harbor


May 28th, 2019