Hidden Truth

What’s there to say when all has been said?
There’s always more to write till you’re dead 

Endless is the expression of a human in paper
They ask you to stop, they might ask a favor

A blessing? A single worry to snatch pain
In the end, the words are written in vain

The silence of the night calms me, a smile
Combinations of the words I have in a pile

To make a poem and to express a thought
You don’t understand it, you haven’t fought

What is poetry to you? Some combinations?
Random files or meaningful organizations?

To us, neither. The words matter not!
It is the thought that springs on spot!

Once the moment is gone, it floats away
Thoughts are not emotions that can stay

Once you find it, you’ll know, your passion
Then you’ll know poetry in a lover’s fashion


– May 22nd, 2019