Think Deeply

God is making you suffer, shout and bleed?
Oh, He’s making you scream, cry and plead?

All your darkness was sent to you from Him?
O yes, He even makes the brightest sun dim 

I love God, He is the essence of life and light 
He made me brave, He’s my courage in fright

You don’t understand? What can I say?
I spoke very clearly, and I won’t replay!

Ah even the simplest eyes could understand 
Explaining to blind men, that, I cannot stand

Take an example, if you need an explanation 
When do you pray to God? In what situation?

We go to Him when we suffer, or we need
From our hearts and souls, we pray indeed

God is the same as the youth-loving Baker
When we need, we go to the Bread Maker

Pray to Him, but He won’t answer right away
For He loves youth and wants them to stay

He gives the bread to all but makes you wait 
He does so out of His pure love, not of hate

The bread He gave them fast had a catch 
It was cold, but yours will be a warm batch


April 19th, 2016